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Trevor Coopersmith
Future Artifacts
Extinction, fossilization, overconsumption and death.
Imagined realities, boundary objects and other-than-human engagements

Divine Beasts
Dioramas and re-presenting of the natural world through emotional lens.
Perceptions, valuations and representations of nature. Referencing the sublime through reclaimed materials

Unusual Surfaces
Ceramics, metal, wood, glass, found objects
Highlighting of overlooked and microscopic creatures
Re-presenting nature in a seductive, emotional and visceral manner

Organic Portals
Within:Without - Windows to an Inclusive Future group exhibition at Debs Park Los Angeles
Viewfinder, reclaimed wood, hung with recycled rope, cardboard and pastel interactive element
Focusing on animate parts of the natural world alongside slowing down and perceiving

Symbols of Devotion (The Cardboard Garden)
Resonance with nature, reclaimed materials, ephemerality
Homages to the natural world and symbols of sensation to present all things as sentient and interconnected

Elevator Show
Curated exhibition in Otis College elevator
Community engaged exhibition, interdisciplinary show, non-traditional exhibition space, elevator pitch concept origin

AI Series
Images generated using AI platforms and subsequently transformed into paintings
Investigating relationships between nature, technology, interconnectivity and methods of representation

Sky Labyrinth
Immersive experience, technological advancements of society, community engagement and meditation space
Projection of images from NASA Webb telescope, reclaimed wood Jupiter planet acrylic painting, reflected mirrors and smoke
Port Austin MI Artist in Residence Exhibition - Bee Barn from 1913
Body X Landscape Series
Mixed media paintings on hand cut wood panels and canvas
Human and ecology interconnectedness, memory of travels to various landscapes, relationships between interdependent systems

Celestial Navigations
Arts Council of Brazos Valley, TX
Interactive sculpture in public space. Community engaged work to map outline of human figure and interconnectedness
College Station Artist in Residence exhibition and installation

Entanglements of Elevation Series
115 Miles by Skateboard across Central CA - SF Airport to Marina, CA
Documenting 8 day journey with mapping elevation gain/ loss on bottom portion of painting. Mushroom gills and abstract encounters
Mapping, chance encounters, ecology and exploration of progress/ change during COVID - 19

Concrete Landscapes
Mixed media painting and sculpture
Mythology/ universal connections, skateboarding counterculture, memory of youth experience, skateboarders appropriating urban spaces

John Muir Series
Exploration of progress, wilderness and expansion throughout California National Park Service
Photography, painting, upcycled canvases, found objects and homages to art history references
80 Miles, 18 days - John Muir Trail, CA

Free Radicals
Glass Box Gallery, University of California, Santa Barbara
Surf subculture, connections to memory, reflection of natural environment and land art
Custom shaped/ painted surfboards, painting on canvas, found objects, surf video projection, 2 tons of sand

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